How to Protect Emails From Cyberattacks

Email is the most popular type of communication, but it’s also among the most vulnerable. Hackers are constantly trying to find ways to break into your email account and steal sensitive data.

First, ensure your passwords are strong. Make sure they’re at least 16 characters long. They should also contain lower and uppercase characters, numbers and letters.

A secure email provider is another option. The best ones come with anti-spam and anti-phishing features that can scan and eliminate malicious attachments, links and content before it is delivered to your inbox.

You can also encrypt your emails to ensure that only you have access to them. This is an excellent option when you need to send business emails and don’t wish your employees to have the ability to forward or copy messages. Encrypting messages works like an encrypted lock box, which has two keys that are your public key and your private key. If someone intercepts an encrypted message, they’ll see text that is distorted.

It’s also recommended to keep your email address private and avoid sharing your address on public websites and social media. If you must, use an alias address to hide your actual email address. Also, make sure you use multi-factor authentication for all your important accounts, including your email. It’s a good idea to safeguard your account.

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